Watch what you want, when you want, from wherever you want.
You can use Proton VPN to access your favorite movies and TV shows on all the most popular streaming services no matter where you are.
Discover streaming with Proton VPN
Learn about streaming in your country
Watch any streaming service
Get connected on all your devices
Tune in for live streaming events
Stream shows, movies, and more
Why choose Proton VPN for streaming?
Safe, fast streaming across platforms
- Connect up to 10 devices at once for a seamless streaming experience
- Boost connection speeds up to 400% for fast streaming around the globe with our unique VPN Accelerator
- Enjoy stable connections and optimal video quality with the lightning-fast WireGuard protocol
- Stay protected while streaming with secure VPN protocols protected with advanced encryption for throttling prevention
How to use Proton VPN for streaming
step 2
Get connected
Download the app and log in to Proton VPN. Then connect to a Plus server in any of over 110 countries.
step 3
Start streaming
Log in to your streaming service of choice, and enjoy your favorite movies and shows!