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best free VPN, award-winning VPN
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This year, we received recognition for some of the unique advantages that our VPN service offers. Here are some of the awards for 2018 and 2019 that were just announced.
protonvpn wireguard support
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ProtonVPN was launched in 2017 with a mission to help the Internet live up to its promise of freedom of information. To keep that mission alive, we are supporting the development of WireGuard, a new VPN protocol.
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Under Swiss law, Proton VPN is not obligated to save connection logs, and we adhere to a strict no-logs VPN policy. Therefore, we are unable to comply with requests for user connection logs.
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We think it is important that you know what data an organization collects from you and what it is used for. Users should apply this level of scrutiny to every online service they use, including ProtonVPN.
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We have taken steps to ensure that ProtonVPN servers are not vulnerable to VORACLE.
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As the world’s largest user-supported VPN service, Proton VPN has always been guided by our community’s input. Now we need your help to decide where our next VPN servers should be.
An illustration of ProtonVPN beta testers.
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The ProtonVPN Beta Program gives you early access to new VPN features and updates that our team is working on. All users can enable the Beta Program for our Windows, macOS, or Android VPN app.
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Today is Proton VPN’s first birthday, and it is a good time to look back at the progress we have made with the help of the community, and where ProtonVPN will go next.
  • Proton stories
Вместе с запретом Telegram в России, правительство объявило войну праву на безопасность и неприкосновенность к частной жизни. К счастью, есть еще способы доступа к приложению Telegram и альтернативы для защиты ваших онлайн-сообщений.
  • Proton stories
With Telegram banned in Russia, the government has declared war on the right to security and privacy. Fortunately, there are still ways to access the Telegram app and alternatives to safeguard your online communications.
  • Proton stories
We have recently released the Proton VPN Android application, but we plan to add many new features to make the application even better. In order to involve the community in this process, we are starting a new Beta program for Android.