Proton Team


Illustration of a VPN app on a smart TV

Guide to choosing the best VPN to download for your smart TV

May 12th, 2021 in How-to

The rapidly increasing presence of the internet in our own homes has changed our lives in ways we never would have imagined just 15 years…

An illustration of the best free VPN.

What factors you should consider when looking for the best free VPN service

February 25th, 2021 in How-to

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the rush to digitalization. Daily activities that once required in-person attendance, like classes, conferences, and even family gatherings, are being…

Proton VPN prevents Apple apps on Big Sur exclusion list from bypassing firewall

November 17th, 2020 in How-to

Update: Apple has listened to its users, and no longer exempts its own apps from any firewall interfaces in macOS. The information in this article…

An illustration of ProtonVPN supporting Hong Kong.

Proton raises HK$800,000 for freedom in Hong Kong

October 13th, 2020 in How-to

When Hong Kong authorities passed draconian “security” laws designed to stifle freedom and crackdown on activism, the people of Hong Kong turned to Proton VPN,…

illustration of hong kong and protonvpn


July 21st, 2020 in How-to

Read this article in English. 香港正面臨黑暗的日子。7 月 6 日深夜,香港政府強推一系列措施,公然侵害私隱、加強審查,並打壓言論自由。自治、民主的香港,從此蕩然無存。 自由之戰向來無分國界,若要成功,我們必先聯成一線。香港這場戰鬥,就是世界的戰鬥,我們每個人都義無反顧,定當站在香港的一方。今天,為了捍衛民主、私隱和言論自由,我們正式宣布一項新的籌款活動。 我們將會捐出 2020 年 7、8 月份香港業務的一半收益,以支援兩個本地民權團體,分別是:612 人道支援基金,以及攬炒團隊(Stand With Hong Kong)。 活動期間,我們希望籌得逾 1,000,000 港元,為捍衛香港自由一役略盡綿力。截至 2020 年 7…

new languages persian, german, russian

Proton VPN is available in 3 new languages: German, Russian, and Persian

June 11th, 2020 in How-to

Thanks to our community of translators, we’re excited to announce that starting today you can access Proton VPN in German, Persian, and Russian, in addition…

An illustration of the Smart Protocol feature for Android.

Introducing Smart Protocol

May 6th, 2020 in How-to

July 2021: This article is an updated version of an older post, reflecting that Smart Protocol is now available on our Windows, macOS, Android, and…

VPN bypass vulnerability in Apple iOS

March 25th, 2020 in How-to

UPDATE August 2023: Additional vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple’s VPN framework. UPDATE Oct. 13, 2022: Reports indicate that Apple has not fixed the problem in iOS 16.…

Illustration of online gaming

The complete guide to online gaming privacy

March 24th, 2020 in How-to

If you play online gaming, you are probably being spied on.  Privacy concerns may be inherent in the design of the game itself, such as…

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