Вместе с запретом Telegram в России, правительство объявило войну праву на
безопасность и неприкосновенность к частной жизни. К счастью, есть еще способы
доступа к приложению Telegram и альтернативы для защиты ваших онлайн-сообщений.
With Telegram banned in Russia, the government has declared war on the right to
security and privacy. Fortunately, there are still ways to access the Telegram
app and alternatives to safeguard your online communications.
On May 25, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will
take effect. The GDPR is a new privacy and data protection regulation that
protects all citizens and residents of the EU.
We have recently released the Proton VPN Android application, but we plan to add
many new features to make the application even better. In order to involve the
community in this process, we are starting a new Beta program for Android.
Proton VPN for Android is the world's only Android VPN app that is completely
free and doesn't have bandwidth limits. Unlike other "free" Android VPNs, Proton
VPN has no ads and does not secretly sell your browsing data.
Security researchers have discovered a vulnerability in the WPA2 protocol which
allows for virtually any WiFi network to be hacked, exposing sensitive data.
Back in June 2017, we launched Proton VPN to provide a more secure VPN. Today
we're happy to announce that free VPN signups are now open. Download free VPN