Actualités Proton

  • Actualités Proton
WE’VE COMPILED A FULL LIST OF RECENT REVIEWS OF PROTON VPN’S PAID VPN PLANS. ALL OF THESE REVIEWS ARE FROM INDEPENDENT REVIEW SITES. This post was updated in August 2023. Proton VPN receives consistently good reviews from professional technology jo
  • Actualités Proton
The year 2022 represents a new low when it comes to online access to information and freedom of expression. It was the twelfth year in a row that online freedom declined, according to Freedom House’s Freedom On the Net report. There were some obvious
  • Actualités Proton
The internet was designed to facilitate the free exchange of ideas and information. However, organizations, governments, internet service providers, and hackers can all pose a threat to that freedom. Since the internet was created, we’ve seen geo-re
An illustration of Apple blocking ProtonVPN security updates.
  • Actualités Proton
Proton has long been a defender of freedom and democracy around the world. In fact, protecting these fundamental human rights was one of the main reasons we founded Proton Mail back in 2014. From Hong Kong to Belarus, activists, protesters, journalis
2020 censorship vpn
  • Actualités Proton
This year, repressive governments continued to use internet shutdowns and social media blackouts as tools to censor their critics and keep their citizens in the dark. However, we noticed an encouraging countertrend: Citizens in these countries have l
  • Actualités Proton
Update: Apple has listened to its users, and no longer exempts its own apps from any firewall interfaces in macOS. The information in this article is therefore of purely historical interest only. The new macOS release, Big Sur, has made headlines du
An illustration of ProtonVPN supporting Hong Kong.
  • Actualités Proton
When Hong Kong authorities passed draconian “security” laws designed to stifle freedom and crackdown on activism, the people of Hong Kong turned to Proton VPN, downloading our app in record numbers to protect their privacy and defend against censorsh
An illustration of the results of the 2020 ProtonVPN server poll.
  • Actualités Proton
We closed our third annual Proton VPN server poll on Friday, September 11, and we want to thank everyone who participated. This was our biggest poll yet, with more than 13,000 votes cast. After the votes were counted, four locations were substantiall
An illustration of the ProtonVPN new VPN server poll for 2020.
  • Actualités Proton
It’s time for our annual server poll!  Each year since 2018, we have turned the floor over to our community to decide where we should prioritize our efforts to expand the Proton VPN network. As a result of the 2019 Proton VPN server poll, we have a
illustration of hong kong and protonvpn
  • Actualités Proton
Read this article in English. 香港正面臨黑暗的日子。7 月 6 日深夜,香港政府強推一系列措施,公然侵害私隱、加強審查,並打壓言論自由。自治、民主的香港,從此蕩然無存。 自由之戰向來無分國界,若要成功,我們必先聯成一線。香港這場戰鬥,就是世界的戰鬥,我們每個人都義無反顧,定當站在香港的一方。今天,為了捍衛民主、私隱和言論自由,我們正式宣布一項新的籌款活動。 我們將會捐出 2020 年 7、8 月份香港業務的一半收益,以支援兩個本地民權團體,分別是:612 人道
illustration of hong kong and protonvpn
  • Actualités Proton
按此瀏覽中文全文 These are dark days for Hong Kong. On July 6, in the middle of the night, Hong Kong’s governing body effectively destroyed the idea of an autonomous, democratic Hong Kong by imposing a series of measures designed to eliminate privacy, sharp