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VPN connection profiles

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Proton VPN apps

If you regularly use the same custom connection settings, you can save them as a VPN connection profile to make it easy to connect again using those settings. With a connection profile you can define:

Note that currently, not all our apps support all these options. VPN connection profiles are currently available on:

In some apps, in addition to your custom profiles, we’ve predefined a couple of profiles for you to choose from. Unlike the custom profiles that you create, these cannot be deleted or edited.  

  • Fastest — This is the same as using our Quick Connect button. It will connect you to the fastest server for your location.
  • Random — This will connect you to a random Proton VPN server, which could be located anywhere in the world we run servers. 


How to create a connection profile

1. Open the app and go to the Profiles tab → Create Profile.

Create a new profile

2. Select the type of connection you want (Standard, Secure Core, P2P, or Tor), give it a Name, and choose a Color to help identify it.

You can then select your preferred connection options. For a Standard connection, these are:

  • ProtocolSmart (protocol), OpenVPN (UDP), OpenVPN (TCP), or WireGuard®
  • Country — Choice of more than 110 countries
  • Server — Fastest, Random, or a particular server in the chosen country

For Secure Core, you need to select a (Secure Core) Server and an Exit country. For P2P and Tor, you can specify a country in the dropdown Server list. 

Configure the profile

Click Save when you’re done. You can create multiple profiles.

How to use connection profiles

Simply go to the Profiles tab and click on a profile you have created. Proton VPN will then connect using the parameters you defined for it. 

View your profiles

How to manage connection profiles

To manage your connection profiles, Profiles tab → Manage Profiles.

From here you can launch profiles (power button), edit profiles, or delete profiles.

Profiles can no longer be synced across your devices, as we are working on a more user-friendly recent connections feature that offers similar functionality.

Click Close when you’re done.


How to create a connection profile

1. Open the app and go to the Profiles tab → Create Profile.

Create profile

2. Give your connection a Name and choose a Color to help identify it. Using the dropdown lists, select your preferred connection options:

Select the type of connection you want (Standard, Secure Core, P2P, or Tor, give it a Name, and choose a Color to help identify it.

  • Feature — Standard, Secure Core, P2P, or Tor
  • Country — Choice of more than 110 countries. 
  • Server — Fastest, Random, or a particular server in the chosen country
  • ProtocolSmart (protocol), IKEv2,  OpenVPN (TCP), OpenVPN (UDP), or WireGuard

For Secure Core, Country selects the location for the exit server, while Server selects the Secure Core server your connection is routed through.

Configure your profiles

Click Save when you’re done. You can create multiple profiles.

How to use connection profiles

Simply go to the Profiles tab and click on the Connect button next to a profile that you have created. Proton VPN will then connect using the parameters you defined for it. 

View and connect to your profiles

How to manage connection profiles

To manage your connection profiles, Profiles tab → Manage Profiles.

Manage profiles

From here you can Connect, Edit, or Delete profiles you have created. You can also Create Profile from here if you wish.

Connect, Edit, or Delete profiles

Simply close the window when you’re done.


How to create a connection profile

1. Open the app and go to the Profiles tab → Create profile.

Create a new profile
  1. Give your profile a Name and choose a Color and Icon to help identify it. Tap Next when you’re done.
Make it yours
  1. Select the Type of connection you want (Standard, Secure Core, P2P, or Gateway for organization users) and the Country you wish to connect to.
Configure the type of connection and where to connect to

When you select a specific Country, you can also choose a city and server. If you don’t specify a server, you’ll be connected to the fastest server in the country or city you selected.

Select a country, city and server (as desired)

If you’re part of a Proton VPN organization that has Gateways, you’ll also have the option to select a Gateway and a server within it.

Connect to your organization's Gateway

To select a Secure Core connection, first choose your destination country. The app will select a middle country from Iceland, Switzerland, or Sweden. You can change the middle country, but just be aware that some destination countries aren’t compatible with all middle countries.

Select your prefered Secure Core routing

Tap Next when you’re done.

  1. Now, decide which settings to enable for your profile. At the moment, these settings can be customized:
  • NetShield  — Whether or not to use NetShield Ad-blocker
  • Protocol  — Select Smart (protocol), WireGuard, IKEv2,  or OpenVPN
  • NAT type  — Select Strict NAT (type 3) or Moderate NAT (type 2)
  • LAN connections  — Whether or not to let your Android device connect to other devices on your local network (such as a printer or NAS).
  • Connect and Go — Allows you to specify a Website URL that will automatically open in your device’s default browser when you connect using this profile.
Enter a website to connect and go

Tap Save to finish creating your new profile.

How to use connection profiles

Simply go to the Profiles tab and select one of your profiles.

Simply select a profile to use it

Recently used profiles are also shown on your Home tab. Just tap Connect.

You can access recent profiles fro your Home tab

As with any other connection, you can pin the profile to your Home tab for easy access.

Learn more about how to use the Proton VPN Android app

How to manage connection profiles

To Edit, Duplicate, or Delete a connection profile:

1. Go to Profiles tab → the profile you’d like to mange → .

Manage your profiles 1
  1. Edit, Duplicate, or Delete the profile.
Manage your profiles 2

How to make a profile your default connection

To make a profile your default connection, first ensure you’ve connected to the profile recently (so its on your Recents list). Now go to the Home screen and disconnect the VPN (if connected), then tap Default connection ⏷.

Tap Default coneection

You can now select a default connection (including a profile) from your your Recent list.

iOS and iPadOS

How to create a connection profile

1. Open the app and go to the Profiles tab → +.

Create new profile

2. Give your connection a Name, choose a Color to help identify it, then select your preferred connection options:

  • Whether it will be a Secure Core connection
  • Country — Choice of more than 110 countries
  • Server — Fastest, Random, or a particular server in the chosen country
  • Protocol — WireGuard, OpenVPN (UDP), OpenVPN (TCP), or IKEv2

If using Secure Core, select the (exit) country and a (Secure Core) server

Toggle the Make Default Profile switch to use this profile when you tap the Quick Connect button. 

Configure your profile

How to use and manage connection profiles

Go to the Profiles tab. From here you can:

  • Create new profile
  • Launch a profile (tap the power button icon next to a profile)
  • Edit a profile (tap Edit, and then select the profile you’d like to edit)
Edit or launch your profiles

To Delete a profile, swipe left.

Delete a profile