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How to use custom DNS

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Proton VPN Features

The Domain Name System (DNS) matches the URL you enter into your browser’s address bar to its corresponding IP address. It’s often compared to a telephone directory that cross-references domain names to their IP addresses. 

Learn more about DNS and how it works

In this support guide, we look at what custom DNS is, and how to enable it on supported Proton VPN apps: 

What is custom DNS?

Custom DNS allows you to choose one or more third-party DNS resolvers. By default, DNS queries are resolved by your ISP, but when you use Proton VPN, they’re usually sent through the encrypted VPN tunnel to be securely and privately resolved by Proton VPN. However, with our Custom DNS feature, you can choose third parties to resolve your DNS queries instead. 

Custom DNS is a Plus feature, available to everyone with a paid Proton VPN plan.

Which Proton VPN apps support Custom DNS?

Custom DNS is currently available on our official Windows and Linux apps. Support for more platforms on our roadmap. Custom DNS is a premium feature available to everyone with a paid Proton VPN plan. 

Using Custom DNS can have some security risks

Using custom DNS isn’t unsafe in itself, but we can’t guarantee that it will be as secure as Proton VPN’s DNS service.

Our DNS service resolves queries through our encrypted VPN tunnel, adhering to our strict no-logs policy. Custom DNS queries don’t pass through the VPN tunnel, and their overall safety depends entirely on the resolver you choose. You also won’t be able to enable NetShield ad-blocker while using custom DNS.

So if you use custom DNS, it’s really important to choose a resolver you trust.

Why can’t I use Custom DNS with NetShield Ad-blocker?

NetShield Ad-blocker is our DNS filtering feature that protects you from ads, trackers, and malware. It works because DNS queries are sent through the VPN tunnel to be resolved by Proton VPN, allowing us to filter out unwanted queries. 

Learn more about Netshield Ad-blocker

If the DNS queries are sent to a third party, we can’t filter them. The third party resolver may or may not offer its own DNS filtering solution, but that’s out of our hands.

For the same reason, NetShield also won’t work if you’ve configured your operating system to use a third-party DNS resolver.

How to use custom DNS


1. Open the Windows app and go to Settings → Connection tab and toggle the Custom DNS servers switch on

Toggle custom DNS on

2. Read the text in the alert box. If you wish to proceed, click Continue

Confirm that you wish to continue

3. In the space provided (where it says Add IPv4 address), enter the IP address of a third-party DNS resolver. Click + when you’re done. You can add multiple addresses in this way, with each address after the first providing redundancy in the order they are listed. 

Add custom DNS server addresses


1. Open the Linux app and go to  Menu (V) → SettingsConnection and toggle the Custom DNS switch on

Toggle custom DNS on

2. Read the text in the alert box. If you wish to proceed, click Enable

Confirm that you wish to enable custom DNS

3. In the Add new server box, enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a third-party DNS resolver. Click Add when you’re done. 

Add custom DNS server addresses

You can add multiple addresses in this way, with each additional address providing redundancy in the listed order. However, some Linux distributions impose a limit on the number of active DNS addresses that can be configured (on Ubuntu, for example, this limit is three). This is a limitation imposed by the distro, not Proton VPN. 

Many Linux distros have a limit on the number of active DNS addresses that can be configured


1. Open the Android app and go to SettingsConnectionAdvanced SettingsCustom DNS.

Select Custom DNS in Settings

2. Tap Add new DNS server.

Add a new DNS sever

3. You can’t use Custom DNS with our NetShield Ad-blocker feature (because NetShield relies on us filtering your DNS queries). If NetShield is turned on, you’ll see a warning. If you wish to proceed, tap Enable.

Conform that you wish to enable Custom DNS

4. Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a third-party DNS resolver. Tap Add when you’re done. 

Enter the new DNS server address

You can add multiple addresses this way, with each address after the first providing redundancy in the order they are listed (hold and drag the ⋮⋮ icon to re-order your custom DNS servers). Tap Custom DNS to toggle the feature on or off.

You can add multiple addresses this way

Note that you can add custom DNS settings to a VPN profile so that the Proton VPN app only uses specific DNS when you connect to that profile.

Learn more about VPN connection profiles

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