For business

IP whitelisting best practices
  • For business
IP whitelisting is a security mechanism that restricts access to networks, systems, or applications based on approved IP addresses. Only IP addresses on the whitelist are permitted to connect, while all others are denied access. This method is typica
Why a VPN is important when working remotely
  • For business
In 2023, roughly 40% of workers in the US worked remotely or on hybrid schedules (some days in the office, some days at home). This arrangement offers benefits to employees and employers, but it also introduces new cybersecurity vulnerabilities, like
What is DNS security?
  • For business
In this article, we’ll look at DNS security, what it means for your businesses, and how using Proton VPN provides your business with the DNS security it needs.  The Domain Name System (DNS) translates human-friendly domain names to numeric IP addres
  • For business
Your remote workforce should be as digitally secure as any in-office workforce. Fortunately, the same tools that can enable you to operate a distributed workplace, like VPNs and collaboration software, can help you keep your data safe too. In this a
  • For business
Businesses and other organizations use content filtering to block employees or customers from accessing certain online content.  There are a few reasons they may do this: * To improve the security of office networks * To prevent customers, studen
  • For business
A dedicated IP address is a fixed or static internet protocol (IP) address that’s guaranteed not to change for as long as you lease it. An lP address is a number that uniquely identifies every device that connects directly to the internet (where dev
  • For business
These days, virtual private networks (VPNs) are most commonly associated with commercial consumer-facing VPN services, such as Proton VPN, that allow individuals to bypass censorship, access the internet privately, and “spoof” their geographic locati