Proton VPN ana sayfası

How to bypass UK ISP blocks

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4 dakikalık

In 2017, the UK passed the Digital Economy Act that requires Internet service providers (ISPs) to block adult websites unless they receive verification that the user is over 18 years old. The regulatory body governing the block, the BBFC(yeni pencere), stated that VPN services should not be affected by this block.

Unfortunately, there has been widespread overblocking, or blocking sites that are not meant to be covered by the DEA. This block has included the Proton VPN website. According to pencere), we are currently being blocked by six British ISPs(yeni pencere):

  • EE
  • O2
  • Sky
  • TalkTalk
  • Virgin Media
  • Vodafone

We are currently working with these ISPs to remedy the situation. Fortunately, if you use one of these ISPs, there are steps you can take to access pencere) in the meantime. Generally, you must sign in to your ISP account and turn off the age restriction option, but the steps are different for each ISP.


To remove the block:

  1. Log in to your My EE(yeni pencere) account.
  2. Go to Menu -> Manage device.
  3. Set your Content Lock to Off.
  4. Also, please email to let them know that Proton VPN is being incorrectly categorized as inappropriate and should not be blocked.

If you are still having trouble, here is the EE Contact Us page(yeni pencere).

If you try to visit the Proton VPN website while the block is in place, you will see this page. You can get access to our site by clicking Log in or register if you are the bill payer of the EE account. If you are not the bill payer, click Enter credit card. You must enter a valid credit card number to prove you are over 18 years old.


To remove the block:

  1. Go to pencere)
  2. Enter your mobile phone number in the space and click Text me a code. O2 will then text you a code to proceed. (You must use a UK mobile number.)
  3. Enter the code you received in the space.
  4. You will then need to enter a valid credit card number to prove you are over 18 years old. Your card will be charged £1 which will then be refunded to you via a calling credit or your next phone bill.
  5. Once you have proven you are over 18, O2 will remove the block.

If you are still having trouble, or if you want to tell O2 that Proton VPN should not be blocked, dial 202 for customer support. It is free from O2 mobile phones.


To remove the block:

  1. Log in to pencere) with your Sky ID.
  2. Scroll down and click Switch off. It may take up to 15 minutes for the block to be disabled.

To allow individual websites:

  1. Log in to pencere) with your Sky ID.
  2. Click the Block & allow websites tab.
  3. Enter pencere) in the Allow box and click Add.
  4. Click Save all settings.

Also, please visit Sky’s portal for Miscategorized websites(yeni pencere) to let them know that Proton VPN is being incorrectly categorized as inappropriate and should not be blocked.

If you are still having trouble, here is the Sky Broadband Contact Us page(yeni pencere).


To remove the block:

  1. Log in to My Account(yeni pencere).
  2. Navigate to the My services drop-down menu and click View HomeSafe settings
  3. Turn Kids Safe Off. You see a prompt asking if you are sure. Click Turn Kidsafe OFF to confirm. It may take a few minutes for the block to be disabled.

If you still have trouble, here is the free TalkTalk support phone number: +44 0345 172 0088

Virgin Media

To remove the block:

  1. Log in to My Virgin Media(yeni pencere).
  2. Click My Apps.
  3. Click WebSafe.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Go to Child Safe and click Turn Off. Then click Apply. It may take up to five minutes for the block to be disabled.
  6. Also, please go to Virgin Media’s WebSafe Feedback(yeni pencere) site to let them know that Proton VPN is being incorrectly categorized as inappropriate and should not be blocked.

If you are still having trouble, here is the Virgin Media Contact Us page(yeni pencere).


To remove the block:

Using the My Vodafone(yeni pencere) website:

  1. Log in to My Vodafone(yeni pencere), navigate to the Services and extras grey drop-down menu, and select your device.
  2. Scroll down and click Bars and Data Alerts. Under the Bars section, click Age-restricted content bar.
  3. If you’ve verified your identity before, switch the toggle to Off and go to step 6. Otherwise, click Verify age.
  4. You will need to enter a credit card number to prove you are over 18 years old. No payment will be taken.
  5. Once you have verified your age, you will be taken back to your device menu. Scroll down and click Bars and Data Alerts. Under the Bars section, click Age-restricted content bar. Then switch the toggle to Off
  6. Wait 10 minutes then restart your device.
  7. Also, please email to tell Vodafone that Proton VPN is being incorrectly categorized as inappropriate and should not be blocked.

If you are still having trouble, here is the Vodafone Contact Us page(yeni pencere).

If you have difficulty reaching our website even after following these instructions, or if you are being blocked and do not see your ISP on this page, please contact our Support Team(yeni pencere).