Proton VPN 홈페이지

How to edit your organization’s users

0 mins
Proton VPN for Business

If you’re an administrator(new window) on a Proton VPN for Business plan, you can change the username and administrator rights of your organization and SSO users.

To do this:

1. Go to and sign in with your Proton account username and password, or using SSO, and go to Users → [the user you’d like to edit] → Edit.

Edit user

2. Click on Users in the menu on the left, then select the user whose account you want to edit. Click Edit.

To edit the the users’ name, click inside the Name field and enter a new name.

Change user's name

To upgrade the user to an administrator account, toggle to Admin button on (or toggle it off to downgrade the user to a regular user account).

Promote user to Admin

Click Save when you’re done.