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Proton VPN coupons

1 minuto

We sometimes offer coupons for Proton VPN. Coupons are special subscription discounts that we may apply to your account if you signed up for a special promotion. Our Customer Support team may also give you a discount coupon for special situations, for example, to rectify a billing mistake.

We may apply a coupon to your account, or you can apply one toward a paid subscription when you check out.

But beware that there are many scam websites offering fake Proton VPN coupons. Such websites are often phishing websites(nueva ventana) attempting to steal your login credentials.

If you see a Proton VPN coupon on a website that is not protonvpn.com, it’s a fake coupon. Please report it to our Customer Support team(nueva ventana).

In general, please avoid third-party sites claiming to offer Proton VPN coupons as they may be malicious.

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